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00229+6214 - ES115AB Constellation : Cas AD 00h22min53.34sec / Dec +62°14min29sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 8.12 11.13 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -001 -007 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -001 -002 Spectre : B0V(n)
Nb d'observation : 26 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1901 76 10.200
Last measure : 2017 84.00 9.390
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2015 83.90 9.513

00229+6214 - ES115AC Constellation : Cas AD 00h22min53.34sec / Dec +62°14min29sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 8.12 10.80 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -001 +002 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -001 +003 Spectre : B0V(n)
Nb d'observation : 15 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1901 54 24.500
Last measure : 2017 55.40 22.540
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2015 56.20 23.203
2011 57.00 23.400

00229+6214 - ES115AD Constellation : Cas AD 00h22min53.34sec / Dec +62°14min29sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 8.12 12.14 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -001 -004 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -001 -001 Spectre : B0V(n)
Nb d'observation : 15 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1901 80 46.100
Last measure : 2017 81.60 43.150
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2015 81.80 44.705
2011 82.00 45.100

00229+6214 - ABH3AE Constellation : Cas AD 00h22min53.34sec / Dec +62°14min29sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 8.12 12.85 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -001 -003 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -001 +001 Spectre : B0V(n)
Nb d'observation : 13 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1901 193 56.700
Last measure : 2017 192.00 57.570
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2015 192.30 57.551
2011 192.00 57.600

00229+6214 - FYM155AF Constellation : Cas AD 00h22min53.34sec / Dec +62°14min29sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 8.12 14.00 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -001 -002 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -001 -002 Spectre : B0V(n)
Nb d'observation : 8 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 2000 146 26.100
Last measure : 2017 147.20 25.370
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2015 145.60 25.927

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David Chiron - All rights reserved © 2024