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23457+4856 - ES862AB Constellation : Cas AD 23h45min44.81sec / Dec +48°56min27.4sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 9.40 12.80 Negleted : non UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA +014 +003 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -004 +007 Spectre : A
Nb d'observation : 12 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1909 40 6.000
Last measure : 2020 39.60 7.240
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2015 38.60 7.069
2014 38.90 7.049
2002 38.40 6.980

23457+4856 - ES862AC Constellation : Cas AD 23h45min44.81sec / Dec +48°56min27.4sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 9.40 13.50 Negleted : non UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA +014 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -004 - Spectre : A
Nb d'observation : 10 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1909 228 10.300
Last measure : 2020 236.00 11.200
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2015 235.60 11.132
2014 235.70 11.092
2002 235.80 11.039

23457+4856 - ABH180AD Constellation : Cas AD 23h45min44.81sec / Dec +48°56min27.4sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 9.40 14.78 Negleted : non UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA +014 -016 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -004 -008 Spectre : A
Nb d'observation : 8 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 183 19.100
Last measure : 2020 184.70 20.570
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2015 183.80 20.398
2002 183.00 20.281

23457+4856 - ABH180AE Constellation : Cas AD 23h45min44.81sec / Dec +48°56min27.4sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 9.40 12.08 Negleted : non UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA +014 +001 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -004 -009 Spectre : A
Nb d'observation : 10 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1902 223 80.700
Last measure : 2015 223.60 81.949
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2002 223.60 81.835

23457+4856 - ABH180AF Constellation : Cas AD 23h45min44.81sec / Dec +48°56min27.4sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 9.40 15.02 Negleted : non UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA +014 -009 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -004 -006 Spectre : A
Nb d'observation : 7 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 262 57.100
Last measure : 2015 261.30 57.515
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2002 261.30 57.365

23457+4856 - ABH180AG Constellation : Cas AD 23h45min44.81sec / Dec +48°56min27.4sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 9.40 14.79 Negleted : non UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA +014 -003 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -004 -004 Spectre : A
Nb d'observation : 7 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 110 44.100
Last measure : 2015 109.90 43.983
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2002 109.90 44.194

23457+4856 - ABH180AH Constellation : Cas AD 23h45min44.81sec / Dec +48°56min27.4sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 9.40 15.60 Negleted : non UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA +014 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -004 - Spectre : A
Nb d'observation : 7 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 111 20.800
Last measure : 2015 110.40 20.647
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2002 110.40 20.762

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David Chiron - All rights reserved © 2025