Composants |
Primaire |
Secondaire |
Informations du WDS |
Notes du WDS |
Magnitudes |
5.26 |
6.67 |
Couple négligé : non |
NNotes trouvées dans WDSNOT MEMO de WDS. ,OOrbit, briefly described in WDSNOT MEMO and has entry in Orbit Catalog. |
Mouvement propre AD |
-065 |
-061 |
Coordonnées précises : oui |
Mouvement propre Dec |
-059 |
-047 |
Spectre : G5III+F6V |
Nb d'observation : 265 |
Angle |
Séparation |
Identification croisées (wds id) *I* | *P* |
Première mesure : 1821 |
78 |
3.900 |
Dernière mesure : 2022 |
67.20 |
4.010 |
| |
| Historique des mesures (InformationCet historique est à titre indicatif. Il est incomplet et peut contenir des erreurs. Il est construit au fur et à mesure des mises à jour de WDSTOOL et ne prend pas en compte d'éventuelles modifications ultérieures du WDS.) | |
2016 |
69.10 |
3.730 |
| Tracé, élements orbitaux et données
Sixth Catalog of Orbits of Visual Binary Stars data.
DateDate of the last observation used in the orbit calculation, if published. : |
GradeThe grade (to nearest integer), as previously discussed. : 4
PThe period (P), followed by code indicating units: "c" = centuries, "d" = days, "h" = hours, "m" = minutes, "y" = years. : 5172.500000 y |
aThe semi-major axis (a), followed by code indicating units: "a" = arcseconds, "m" = milliarcseconds, "u" = microarcseconds. : 7.03700 a |
iThe inclination (i), in degrees. : 110.3000 |
ΩThe node (Omega), in degrees. An identified ascending node is indicated by an asterisk following the value. : 158.8000 |
TThe time of periastron passage (T), followed by code indicating units: "d" = Julian date, with first two digits truncated (i.e., JD-2400000), "m" = modified Julian date (JD-2400000.5), "y" = fractional Besselian year. : 4960.300000 y
eThe eccentricity (e). : 0.630000 |
WThe longitude of periastron (w), in degrees, reckoned from the node as listed. : 277.5000 |
EquinoxEquinox, if any, to which the node refers. :
system note
Orbit note
Sixth Catalog of Orbits of Visual Binary Stars data.
DateDate of the last observation used in the orbit calculation, if published. : |
GradeThe grade (to nearest integer), as previously discussed. : 4
PThe period (P), followed by code indicating units: "c" = centuries, "d" = days, "h" = hours, "m" = minutes, "y" = years. : 2647.000000 y |
aThe semi-major axis (a), followed by code indicating units: "a" = arcseconds, "m" = milliarcseconds, "u" = microarcseconds. : 4.50200 a |
iThe inclination (i), in degrees. : 119.9000 |
ΩThe node (Omega), in degrees. An identified ascending node is indicated by an asterisk following the value. : 169.6000 |
TThe time of periastron passage (T), followed by code indicating units: "d" = Julian date, with first two digits truncated (i.e., JD-2400000), "m" = modified Julian date (JD-2400000.5), "y" = fractional Besselian year. : 3164.100000 y
eThe eccentricity (e). : 0.740000 |
WThe longitude of periastron (w), in degrees, reckoned from the node as listed. : 270.3000 |
EquinoxEquinox, if any, to which the node refers. :
system note
Orbit note
| |
2015 |
68.20 |
3.944 |
2012 |
68.00 |
3.944 |
| |