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22191+5607 - A1461AB Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 10.50 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V+O9.5V
Nb d'observation : 15 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1906 90 1.500
A: ADS 15834 /
Last measure : 2021 95.00 1.732
B: ADS 15834 /
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2015 90.60 1.712
2000 90.40 1.760

22191+5607 - HJ1751AC Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 10.52 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -009 -003 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 -002 Spectre : O8V+O7V
Nb d'observation : 15 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1908 115 11.200
Last measure : 2021 114.40 11.535
C: ADS 15834 /
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2015 113.90 11.420
2012 115.40 11.000
2008 115.00 10.900

22191+5607 - HJ1751AD Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 13.60 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -009 -002 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 -002 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 12 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1908 80 30.400
Last measure : 2015 76.20 25.388
D: ADS 15834 /
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2012 76.00 24.800
2008 76.00 24.800

22191+5607 - HJ1751AE Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 13.50 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 +001 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 -002 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 9 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1908 39 24.400
Last measure : 2015 28.20 25.870
E: ADS 15834 /
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2012 27.00 25.700
2008 27.00 25.600

22191+5607 - SS10AF Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 14.50 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 5 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1917 79 14.800
Last measure : 2015 79.90 15.417
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 79.70 15.156
2000 80.00 15.000
2000 79.00 15.156

22191+5607 - ABH164AG Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 14.80 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 5 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1953 73 19.700
Last measure : 2015 73.20 19.028
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 72.90 18.824

22191+5607 - ABH164AH Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 15.42 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 +008 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 -004 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 4 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 124 48.500
Last measure : 2012 123.20 47.920
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 123.00 48.200

22191+5607 - ABH164AI Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 14.70 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 5 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 96 36.900
Last measure : 2012 94.90 36.480
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 95.00 36.700

22191+5607 - ABH164AJ Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 15.10 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 5 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 84 39.200
Last measure : 2015 83.00 39.365
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2012 81.20 38.188
2003 83.00 39.200

22191+5607 - ABH164AK Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 14.00 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 7 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 344 52.000
Last measure : 2015 343.60 51.709
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2012 342.80 50.770
2003 343.00 51.800

22191+5607 - ABH164AL Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 15.00 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 -048 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 +019 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 5 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 354 63.100
Last measure : 2015 353.30 62.787
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 353.10 62.796

22191+5607 - ABH164AM Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 15.22 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 -001 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 -013 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 4 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 53 54.900
Last measure : 2015 53.00 54.656
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 52.80 54.630

22191+5607 - ABH164AN Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 15.22 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 +007 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 +000 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 5 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 63 52.700
Last measure : 2012 63.00 48.200
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 62.00 52.700

22191+5607 - ABH164AO Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 14.88 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 4 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 263 82.700
Last measure : 2012 262.00 82.930
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 262.00 82.427

22191+5607 - ABH164AP Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 14.20 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -009 -012 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 -002 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 5 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 50 85.900
Last measure : 2015 50.10 85.769
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 50.00 85.569

22191+5607 - ABH164AQ Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 13.20 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 -006 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 -014 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 4 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 78 101.100
Last measure : 2015 77.80 101.018
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 77.80 100.785

22191+5607 - ABH164AR Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 15.10 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 5 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 272 59.500
Last measure : 2015 271.30 54.052
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2012 272.30 54.700
2003 271.00 54.400

22191+5607 - ABH164AS Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 14.24 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 6 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 271 49.100
Last measure : 2015 270.90 48.710
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2012 272.00 49.120
2003 271.00 49.000

22191+5607 - ABH164AT Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 15.08 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 +019 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 +020 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 4 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 255 30.700
Last measure : 2015 253.90 30.177
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 254.10 30.446

22191+5607 - ABH164AU Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 13.27 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -009 +009 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 -104 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 4 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1987 75 103.000
Last measure : 2015 73.90 102.883
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 73.90 102.588

22191+5607 - A1461AV Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 - Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 1 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 2008 305 3.000
A: ADS 15834 /
Last measure : 2008 304.70 2.960

22191+5607 - FYM117AW Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 14.30 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -009 +022 Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 -000 Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 3 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 2000 199 55.600
Last measure : 2012 200.00 52.000

22191+5607 - SS10AX Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min58.65sec / Dec +56°07min23.5sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.20 16.40 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -009 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O8V
Nb d'observation : 4 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1953 24 14.500
Last measure : 2015 41.10 13.549
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2003 40.70 13.486
2000 40.00 13.400
2000 40.00 13.486

22191+5607 - HJ1751CF Constellation : Cep AD 22h18min59.87sec / Dec +56°07min18.9sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 10.52 14.50 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.,UProper motion or other technique indicates that this pair is non-physical.
Proper Motion RA -003 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : O7V
Nb d'observation : 10 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1917 29 7.900
C: ADS 15834 /
Last measure : 2015 32.80 8.732
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2008 32.60 8.740

22191+5607 - HJ1751DF Constellation : Cep AD 22h19min1.57sec / Dec +56°07min29.6sec
Composants Primary Secondary WDS data WDS Notes
Magnitudes 13.60 14.50 Negleted : non NNotes found in WDSNOT MEMO of WDS.
Proper Motion RA -002 - Precise coordinates : oui
Mouvement propre Dec -002 - Spectre : -
Nb d'observation : 10 Angle Separation Cross references (wds id) *I* | *P*
First measure : 1917 251 10.400
D: ADS 15834 /
Last measure : 2015 250.60 10.050
Measurement history (InformationThis historical is indicative. It is incomplete and may contain errors. It is built as and when updates to WDSTOOL and does not take into account any subsequent modifications to WDS.)
2012 251.00 9.800
2008 251.00 10.000

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David Chiron - All rights reserved © 2025